Legal & Symbolic Ceremonies


love has no borders

Most future bride and grooms ask this question when considering a destination wedding, "If we get married abroad will our marriage be legally recognized?"  For most countries the answer to this yes will be "YES" but wedding abroad legal requirements do vary from country to country. 

You need to be sure that your marriage will be both legally recognized in your country of residence and in the country in which you choose to get married. 

If a legal ceremony and meeting all the requirements sounds too stressful, fear not.  A symbolic ceremony is another great option for your destination wedding. 

A symbolic ceremony has no legal recognition yet makes up approximately 80% of all destination weddings.  Typically, the bride and groom get legally married in the U.S. at their local clergy or courthouse.  They file their marriage license, and then travel to their dream destination for a symbolic ceremony with family and friends.  This makes for a very smooth and easy destination wedding. 

Legal and symbolic ceremonies are the same, just minus the license.       

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